Dr. Koong is a founding member of VSA. She currently serves as VSA’s Head of Academy. She is a graduate of The University of Hong Kong with a Master of Education, and Durham University in the UK with a Doctor of Education. She was awarded an honorary doctorate of humane letters (L.H.D.) by Whittier College, USA. She was a founding Council member of The Education University of Hong Kong and helped establish its School of Early Childhood Education, the World President of the World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP), the Vice-Chairperson of UNICEF-Hong Kong, and served as a member of the Women’s Commission and Equal Opportunities Commission. She also served on the Board of Trustees of Whittier College.
Presently, Dr. Koong serves on the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; as a subcommittee and risk management committee member. She is the Vice-Chairperson of The Hong Kong Federation of Women, the Vice-Chairperson of PHAB and is in the Standing Committee for the CCPCC. Dr. Koong joined Victoria Education Organization since 1985 and has served Victoria Primary School as principal since 1996. She is also the Supervisor of Sun Fong Chung College. Dr. Koong received a HKSAR Bronze Bauhinia Star, an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters awarded by Whittier College, an Honorary Fellowship from The Education University, and was appointed Non-official Justice of the Peace (JP) by the HKSAR Government.