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How to Apply


●    As an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School, we offer the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP). These form the basis of a rigorous education through a well-developed curriculum that fosters academic excellence.

●    As a Global IB School, we provide a bilingual and stimulating learning environment to promote student agency and intercultural understanding for local students as well as students from diverse backgrounds.

Admissions Policy Rationale

●    The admissions policy at VSA echoes with its guiding statement which is to develop passionate, healthy and accomplished bilingual learners who are globally engaged.

●    VSA’s admissions policy is inclusive and non-discriminatory. In regards to religion and race, customs will be respected provided they do not disrupt the school routine, interfere with the learning of other students. In addition, we are sensitive to students’ individual needs and will provide a wide range of support for students who have language and learning needs, physical and medical conditions, or social, emotional and behavioural issues. The school may require parents to allow their children to undergo psychoeducational assessment in order for them to receive appropriate and comprehensive support.

How to Apply

Online application can be submitted with the following:

  • A passport size of applicant’s photo
  • A copy of applicant’s HKID Card / Birth Certificate / Passport (for a non-local child, please also provide a copy of the Immigration Endorsement on his/her passport showing the expiry date of visa/entry permit)
  • A copy of the applicant’s report cards for the last two years
  • Non-refundable application fee of HK$1000


Apply Now

*Please note that application system does not support Internet Explorer.


Admissions Office

Please contact the Admissions Office for additional information or enquiries.

Tel: (852) 3402-1043
Tel: (852) 3402-1024

Fax: (852) 3402-1099
VSA School Tour

VSA Guiding Statements