Alumni Association
You are all distinctive waves, each perpetuating unique rhythms that I will miss very, very much. Whichever direction your current decides to take, as we continue to collide with other waves of the world, we will create greatness- an impact that extends across the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Gulf of Guinea- across the unimaginable expanse of the universe. And perhaps one day, our paths will cross again as one unexpected wave meets another. Audrey Wang (Valedictorian, Class of 2015)
Creating greatness: staying connected with the VSA Alumni Association
The Alumni Association was established in 2012 when VSA saw the importance of establishing a network to connect the ever-growing students who graduated from VSA every year. The Association promotes unity and fellowships amongst current students and graduates of the Academy, promotes activities, fosters alumni networks and contacts in Hong Kong and overseas, as well as raises funds for the development and advancement of the Academy.
Since the establishment of the Alumni Association, members across different countries have actively involved in homecoming activities, gatherings as well as university/ career sharing with students of the Academy. The Association aims to continue the VSA spirit in the years to come.
The Alumni Association has maintained an active and close relation with the alma mater, seeking ways to improve the network of VSA alumni and benefits for the members.
- NETWORKS - stay connected to your friends met in VSA even if our high school days are long past and be part of a growing global network of alumni
- IMPACTS - give back to VSA by sharing your experience of further education and careers to VSA students to broaden their horizons
- Alumni Gmail account (i.e. student
- Alumni card for campus access and facility booking
- Newsletters
- Invitation to complimentary networking events
- Invitation to school events
The Academy and the Alumni Association are always interested in knowing life updates of our alumni. Ranging from their achievements and careers, to the exploration of a new chapter of their lives, we are always more than happy to hear from you! So keep us updated, make sure you have uploaded your latest information to enjoy all of the benefits and joy of being a VSA alumni!
To know more, please visit the VSA Alumni Association's website
We are pleased to extend a warm welcome to our esteemed alumni who wish to visit VSA. To facilitate a smooth and organized visit, we kindly request that all alumni make an appointment with a designated "host" teacher before their visit. Please follow the procedures and guidelines below to ensure the safety and security of both our alumni visitors and our current students.
Scheduling an Appointment: Alumni must contact the designated host teacher via email to schedule an appointment. During this correspondence, the alumni and the host teacher will agree upon the most suitable visit date, time, and location. This communication is essential to establish a mutually convenient arrangement.
Responsibilities of the Host Teacher: Throughout the visit, the assigned host teacher will assume full responsibility for the alumni visitor. The host teacher will accompany the alumni students at all times.
As part of our stringent safeguarding measures, we have implemented a policy that prohibits unsupervised alumni access within the school premises. It is our collective responsibility to maintain a secure environment for our students.
During their visit, we kindly remind our alumni visitors to adhere to the same code of conduct and behavioral expectations as our current students.
We aim to foster meaningful connections between our alumni and the school community while upholding a safe and secure learning environment for all. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines and facilitating a positive experience for our alumni visitors.
For inquiries, please email
Please contact sec_studentaffairs@