Creativity, Activity, Services
At VSA, students organise and participate in a wide range of activities, both locally and globally, through which they develop a greater sense of international mindedness and social responsibility.
Primary Years Programme – Action
An important aspect of the PYP programme is student-initiated action. Students are encouraged to reflect, make informed choices and take action that will help their peers and the wider community. As well as modifying individual attitudes and behaviour, students support local and overseas charities by fundraising and participating in community service.
Middle Years Programme – Service As Action
The Middle Years Programme Curriculum is developed on the IB MYP which is designed “to help students find a sense of belonging in the ever-changing and increasingly interrelated world around them and to foster a positive attitude to learning”, with "service as action" as a main focus.
At VSA “service as action” is used interchangeably with “community engagement”. Through community engagement, students become "globally conscious individuals" characterized with IB learner profile and equipped with good ATL skills, while committing themselves to long-term and sustainable service work as well as being involved in something creative and active.
Diploma Programme – Creativity, Activity & Service
All Diploma students participate in the CAS programme. Students design and lead a wide range of creative pursuits, physical activities, and community service projects in local, national, and international contexts. Through the CAS programme, students develop qualities and skills such as greater self-awareness, collaboration, empathy, and perseverance. IB DP CAS is a programme for personal and societal change.
Wanting to take an active part in protecting our ocean, our VSA students took initiative in creating sustainable plastic using clam shells. The project took gold in The Global Youth Science and Technology Bowl and this afternoon RTHK spoke to Sophie (Y11) about the experience.
— Victoria Shanghai Academy (@VSAHKG) August 17, 2021
Happy International Women's Day! I sat down with some of our students to chat about the achievements of HK women and our hopes for the future. Some of these students founded the club 'RainLilly' at VSA advocating for anti-sexual violence policies in HK.
— Dr. Maggie Koong (@maggie_koong) March 8, 2021